Welcome to our website!


Welcome to my personal site.  The content of this site, is linked to a number of projects, developments and companies, which I am involved with or own. Each one operates independently, directly or in partnership. The two key principals followed
are ;
 1. Working to create wealth, &  2. To help Others.

This may sound a little obtuse, but be honest with yourself, we all wish to create change in our lives and provide assistance to those around us, whether that is directly via charity work, by selling our time or donating  money. Here are some of the sites and projects I have been instrumental in:

These two sites for friends...and I did say I was a novice !! My expertise and experience is varied. I work across most sectors. To find more information on my current and future projects, why not contact me ?

If you are looking for a mentor or any kinds of support, advice etc, then why not drop me an email. If I can't help you, I can 9/10 times find someone in my network who can help you.

Try the Challenge...ask me ?
"Always help, those around you and aim to change people's lives, by sharing what you have and plan to make a difference. [Kully Kalon]